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Post by Howard »


We're currently upgrading our ExtJS app from version 5 to version 7.6 and have hit an issue with importing the Ext.charts package. This has been raised before by another forum member here- viewtopic.php?p=49856 - but there isn't a resolution on the thread.

Briefly, the charts library is under the Ext.charts namespace but the files are split across two locations (ext/packages/charts/src/chart and ext/packages/charts/classic/src/chart). How can we use the loaderPath to import classes from two different locations?


loaderPath: {
	'Ext.chart': '../../../ext/packages/charts/src/chart' // <- Also needs the "classic" classes to be imported.

We are currently using Siesta 5.6.1.

Post by nickolay »


If I'm correct, you need to set the correct "loader paths" for both namespaces, something like:

loaderPath: {
	'Ext.chart.commonFiles': '../../../ext/packages/charts/src/chart' ,
	'Ext.chart.Chart1': '../../../ext/packages/charts/classic/src/chart' 	

How does the loaderPath config looks like in your application? In theory, you can just copy that value from the application to the test suite.

Post by Howard »

Thanks, nickolay! Including 'Ext.chart.theme' and 'Ext.draw' for the main directories, along with specific file references for classes in the classic directories has worked.

Post by nickolay »

Glad it works, yw!

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