Just wondering, does that issue (https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/4831) comes with the new v6.0.0-alpha3 version?
Thanks for the inf
Just wondering, does that issue (https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/4831) comes with the new v6.0.0-alpha3 version?
Thanks for the inf
Yes, We also have a demo for this here https://bryntum.com/products/scheduler-next/examples/backlog/
You can check the code by clicking on the code icon on the top right corner.
Docs https://bryntum.com/products/scheduler-next/docs/#Scheduler/feature/LockRows
Good Luck ,
Clicking on the button to open the built-in code editor doesn't seem to work:
Thanks for reporting. We'll fix it. Here is the ticket https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/9071
And here is how the code looks like
import { Scheduler } from '../../build/scheduler.module.js';
import shared from '../_shared/shared.module.js';
// Scheduler filters "backlog" resource to the top.
new Scheduler({
appendTo : 'container',
startDate : new Date(2023, 0, 29),
endDate : new Date(2023, 1, 12),
viewPreset : 'weekAndDayLetter',
rowHeight : 100,
tickSize : 75,
crudManager : {
autoLoad : true,
eventStore : {
// Custom fields used on events in the demo
fields : [
{ name : 'percentDone', type : 'number', defaultValue : 0 }
resourceStore : {
// Custom fields used on resources in the demo
fields : [
loadUrl : 'data/data.json'
features : {
group : false,
columnLines : false,
eventDrag : {
constrainDragToTimeline : false
lockRows : {
filterFn : r => r.id === 'backlog'
nonWorkingTime : true,
stickyEvents : false
columns : [
{ field : 'name', text : 'Name', width : 150 },
{ field : 'city', text : 'City', width : 150 }
eventRenderer({ eventRecord, resourceRecord, renderData }) {
// Add a progress bar to the event bar
className : 'progress',
style : {
width : `${eventRecord.percentDone}%`
children : [
className : {
percent : true,
hasValue : eventRecord.percentDone
text : `${eventRecord.percentDone}%`
// "Unfinished" part of the par, for styling purposes
className : 'remaining',
style : {
width : `${100 - eventRecord.percentDone}%`
// Events displayed in the top scheduler (backlog) are styled differently
if (resourceRecord.id === 'backlog') {
renderData.eventColor = 'gray';
renderData.cls += 'backlog-event';
// Event contents
return [
{ className : 'name', text : eventRecord.name },
{ className : 'desc', text : eventRecord.description }
Thanks for posting the snippet, it's very helpful.
I made it work with adding in the template (I add it as it might not be obvious for newcomers):
The doc says the LockRows functionality doesn't work with the Split feature, it also doesn't seem to work when the scheduler(1) is added as a partner by another scheduler(2). It makes Scheduler 2 displayed on top of Scheduler 1.
Thanks Tasnim, I tried again and made it work by using another record prop.
If 'lockRowsFeature' is added only to the first scheduler it will move it in the DOM below the second one. This is however fixable by setting 'column-reverse' on the container element.
In my case I'll add the lockRowsFeature on both schedulers, so it works correctly out of the box.