I would like to request an additional context menu for the plain timeRanges (not resourceTimeRanges). There are already context menus (right click menus): cell-context-menu, event-menu, time-axis-header-menu and schedule-menu. So extending this concept to plain timeRanges hopefully shouldn't be too difficult.
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Just to specify - you would like to request it as a new feature, or you'd like to know how you can implement such menu in your app?
Read the API documentation
You are welcome.
There is already a https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/Scheduler/feature/TimeRanges#event-timeRangeHeaderContextMenu event which is triggered when a time range's header is clicked - would it be enough for your needs?
Read the API documentation
Yes i read about the timeRangeHeaderContextMenu event and i am actually using it right now:
this.scheduler.on('timeRangeHeaderContextMenu', ({ source, timeRangeRecord, event, domEvent } : any) => {
The code then calls a custom "Context Menu".
However this solution does not mimic the UI design of the other context menus and is far less elegant.
However this solution does not mimic the UI design of the other context menus and is far less elegant.
Do you mean that it is styled differently? You can probably apply the CSS classes from other context menus to it.
Read the API documentation
This would be easy to implement using: https://bryntum.com/products/scheduler/docs/api/Core/widget/Menu which is the Menu used everywhere internally in Bryntum.