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Integrating chronograph with java backend

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:01 am
by aarish

We are currently working on a project using the Bryntum Gantt chart for task management. One of our requirements is to synchronize task dates, including time, with our Java backend whenever a task is updated. To achieve this, we are considering using the Chronograph library, but we can't find any way to integrate it with our Java backend. So, let us know if you can expose the chronograph library to integrate it directly or if something is already present for this task.

Re: Integrating chronograph with java backend

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:06 am
by nickolay

Chronograph probably can not be used in Java backend directly, since its written in JavaScript. It can run in Node.js though.

But probably you don't need the Chronograph itself, instead you need to run the Bryntum Gantt Project Model on the server side. You can do that by using Node.js.

Just load the regular Bryntum code in the Node.js app, avoid the components / functions that require DOM presence. Instead import the ProjectModel, which does not require the DOM. You can also freely use the Store API.

Re: Integrating chronograph with java backend

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:33 am
by aarish

Thank you for the guidance. I understand that using the Chronograph library directly in a Java backend is not feasible, but it can run on Node.js.

We have a requirement where task dates, including times, need to be updated and synchronized with our Java backend whenever a task is updated. Additionally, these updates might be automated or come from different sources over time.

Could you provide detailed steps or an example of how to implement the Bryntum Gantt ProjectModel in a Node.js backend to handle these updates? Specifically, how can we use the ProjectModel to update task dates and synchronize these changes with our Java backend?

Re: Integrating chronograph with java backend

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:41 am
by nickolay

Sure, please check this guide:

Basically you just import the ProjectModel from the Node.js bundle and then use its regular API.

Sorry, can't provide any details about how this can further be synced with your Java backend, as its out of the scope of our support.