I have multiple columns, which are grouped and collapsible.
I want the width of the Resources to adjust to the mandatory width.
The first picture shows the collapsed columns. The Red area should automatically be "removed".
The second picture shows the expanded columns.
(Black bars are just to anonymize the data)
Is this possible? And how is it possible?
I'm using scheduler pro.
Thank you. How can I set Grid.column.Column#event-columnCollapseToggle listener in my config File?
I have other listeners in SchedulerProConfig.listeners but that doesn't work for the columnCollapseToggle listener.
I have tried this in our demo and yes you are right it never gets triggered. We will investigate this here: https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/9724. Though I tried adding using the console and then it works. So please use this workaround for now:
// Add this in ngAfterViewInit:
this.schedulerPro.on('columnCollapseToggle', (e: any) => {
thank you for the Files. I'm having problems using the (onColumnCollapseToggle) tag in the html. I get a red markup, when I use it (Event onColumnCollapseToggle is not emitted by any applicable directives nor by <bryntum-scheduler-pro> element).