I have a custom popup that I want to use on the eventEditFeature. However, it is a Vue Component, not any widget from Bryntum.
What I really need is for nothing to popup on the EventEdit event.
This is working for me right now, but it generates error on console: "TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'startDateField' of 'editor.widgetMap' as it is undefined."
// works but generates error on console
const useCalendarConfig = () => {
eventEditFeature: {
editorConfig: {
type: null
The error that is generated on console happens because I'm not passing anything as the type.
But that's what I wish: just a null editor, but I still need the EventEdit event so I can use the eventElement and eventRecord parameters.
Note: the following does not work, because it fully cancels the EventEdit event.
// does not work, because it fully cancels the EventEdit event
const useCalendarConfig = () => {
eventEditFeature: false
Thanks in advance!