Premium support for our pure JavaScript UI components

Post by dsingh7 »

Hi Team,

Would like to Thank you and appreciate for the product that has been build with so much of configuration & flexibility in a single package that we even thought of. Kudos for that.

We are using Bryntum Grid 6.0.1 in one of our Salesforce based application, where the requirement is to operate the grid with keybord the way we use excel sheets, so to get started we have implemented a focus on first cell of first column using standard functions provided like -

1. grid.focusCell({ rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 0 })
2. grid.selectCell({ id: rowId, columnId: columnId })
3. gridConfiguration.keyMap: {
            'Shift+Tab': 'navigateLeft',
            'Tab': 'navigateRight',
            'Ctrl+ArrowRight': 'navigateLastCell',
            'Ctrl+ArrowLeft': 'navigateFirstCell',
            'Home': null,
            'End': null,
            'Ctrl+x': null,

Everything is working as expected, but we observed that whenever my any of the grid's cell is in focus & I hit Spacebar the library throws an "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: target in grid.lwc.module.min.js:79:70716", request you to please help us resolve this since its a blocker for us.

PS - Instead of 6.0.1 we tried to use 5.6.11, in that case this our use case was handled as expected.


Post by alex.l »

Hi dsingh7,

I added keyMap as demonstrated to our demo Salesforce app, I do not see any errors.
Could you please share steps to reproduce and test in our app as well, using latest released version? Very possible, we fixed it in later versions, but hard to say without context.

All the best,

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