Hey, I noticed on some demos that the non-workdays are highlighted a darker gray. How can we replicate this?
Support Forum
Hi marcio,
In this demo for instance: https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/examples/frameworks/react/javascript/advanced/build/
That css isn't working for me. Do I need to maybe first set which days of the week are non-working? How can I do that?
Sorry, for Gantt you need to use a different selector.
.b-sch-nonworkingtime-canvas .b-sch-range.b-sch-nonworkingtime {
background : repeating-linear-gradient(-55deg, #ddd, #ddd 10px, #eee 5px, #eee 20px);
- Attachments
- Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 13.35.29.png (1.22 MiB) Viewed 185 times
Best regards,
It's still not working, but probably because I haven't figured out yet how to define the working days correctly on the gantt configs. How should I go about doing this? I've tried a few things with no luck. Like adding this to the config:
timeAxis: {
nonWorking: {
repeat: 'daily',
dayOfWeek: [0, 6] // 0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday
Please take a look at our guides to understand how to configure the calendar data to have non-working time set correctly.
You need to set a non-working interval in your calendar data to have that interval displayed in your Gantt.
As an example (that is used on basic Gantt demo)
"id" : "general",
"name" : "General",
"intervals" : [
"recurrentStartDate" : "on Sat at 0:00",
"recurrentEndDate" : "on Mon at 0:00",
"isWorking" : false
"children" : [
"id" : "business",
"name" : "Business",
"intervals" : [
"recurrentStartDate" : "every weekday at 12:00",
"recurrentEndDate" : "every weekday at 13:00",
"isWorking" : false
"recurrentStartDate" : "every weekday at 17:00",
"recurrentEndDate" : "every weekday at 08:00",
"isWorking" : false
"id" : "night",
"name" : "Night shift",
"intervals" : [
"recurrentStartDate" : "every weekday at 6:00",
"recurrentEndDate" : "every weekday at 22:00",
"isWorking" : false
Best regards,
Unfortunately we're still struggling. Our stack is Rails with vanilla JS. We use the gantt.umd.js file, version 6.0.1.
Here is the relevant code:
var Gantt = window.bryntum.gantt.Gantt;
var ProjectModel = window.bryntum.gantt.ProjectModel;
var Calendar = window.bryntum.gantt.CalendarModel;
var StateTrackingManager = window.bryntum.gantt.StateTrackingManager;
var LocaleHelper = window.bryntum.gantt.LocaleHelper;
var LocaleManager = window.bryntum.gantt.LocaleManager;
var DateHelper = window.bryntum.gantt.DateHelper;
var HasPercentDoneMixin = window.bryntum.gantt.HasPercentDoneMixin;
class MyProjectModel extends HasPercentDoneMixin.derive(ProjectModel) {}
//LocaleManager.throwOnMissingLocale = true;
if (CONSLOG.locale == "br")
LocaleManager.locale = 'PtBr';
if (CONSLOG.locale == "es")
LocaleManager.locale = 'Es';
const calendar = new Calendar({
id: 'general',
intervals: [
recurrentStartDate: 'on Sat at 0:00',
recurrentEndDate: 'on Mon at 0:00',
isWorking: false
const project = new MyProjectModel({
taskStore : {
transformFlatData : true
// loadUrl: `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/load`, // URL for data loading
// syncUrl: `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/sync`, // URL for data saving
transport : {
load : {
url : `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/load`, // URL for data loading
requestConfig: {
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': csrfToken
sync : {
url : `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/sync`, // URL for data saving
requestConfig: {
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': csrfToken
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
stm: new StateTrackingManager({
autoRecord: true
calendar: 'general'
// create the Bryntum Gantt instance and append to body
const gantt = new Gantt({
appendTo: "gantt_here",
features : {
excelExporter : {
// Choose the date format for date fields
dateFormat : 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'
mspExport : true,
//xerExport: true,
taskMenu : {
items : {
// Add extra Export menu item available on all tasks
exportToIcs : {
icon : 'b-fa b-fa-calendar-alt',
text : 'Add to Calendar (.ics)',
weight : 900,
onItem({ taskRecord }) {
// Here you can add some custom ICS values (See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545 for more information)
pdfExport : {
exportServer: 'https://dev.bryntum.com:8082',
// Required for font-awesome icons to display correctly
// headerTpl,
// footerTpl
rowReorder : {
showGrip : true
nonWorkingTime : true
columns: [
{ type: 'wbs', width: 30 },
{ type: 'name', width: 250, text: CONSLOG.T.activity[CONSLOG.locale]},
{ type: 'startdate', width: 50 },
{ type: 'enddate', width: 50 },
{ type: 'duration', width: 50 },
{ type: 'resourceassignment', width: 100, text: CONSLOG.T.resources[CONSLOG.locale] },
{ text: CONSLOG.T.percent_done[CONSLOG.locale], field: 'percentDone', type : 'percentdone', showCircle : true, width : CONSLOG.locale != 'en' ? 75 : 50, sortable: false, group: false, editor: false},
rowHeight: 35
The behavior I see with this code is that for a split second it flashes some styling for the non working day columns, but then it disappears. Please check the attached screenshots showing this. And when I search the HTML after for the class b-sch-nonworkingtime, there are no instance of it.
- Attachments
- Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 10.00.11 PM.png (844 KiB) Viewed 158 times
- Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 10.00.04 PM.png (549.33 KiB) Viewed 158 times
Hey amorimluc,
That happens because you set the calendar using inline data when creating the Gantt, but then you're using Ajax request to load the tasks, you need to use only one of them.
If you're not able to pass the calendar data from your endpoint, you need to set it like this
const project = new MyProjectModel({
taskStore : {
transformFlatData : true
// loadUrl: `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/load`, // URL for data loading
// syncUrl: `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/sync`, // URL for data saving
transport : {
load : {
url : `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/load`, // URL for data loading
requestConfig: {
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': csrfToken
sync : {
url : `/${CONSLOG.locale}/projects/${CONSLOG.project_id}/schedules/${schedule_id}/tasks/sync`, // URL for data saving
requestConfig: {
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': csrfToken
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
stm: new StateTrackingManager({
autoRecord: true
calendarManagerStore: {
data: [calendar]
calendar: 'general'
Best regards,
So I found out here that the problem is that we are not syncing/saving calendar intervals correctly. When I import an mpp file it all works correctly and the non working days show with the correct styling on the gantt chart. The front end JS import loads the calendar intervals properly. But when syncing the imported data calendar intervals are not getting saved. Is there a demo or some example code that shows how we should be syncing calendar interval data? In particular when importing from mpp (where apparently interval data is nested in the calendar data)