Re: [ANGULAR] Need to show add arrow on click
Thank you Tasnim, Its working now.
But as I mentioned earlier, need to scroll to the y position as well (near resource)
Thank you Tasnim, Its working now.
But as I mentioned earlier, need to scroll to the y position as well (near resource)
For resource to scroll into view you can use this
Hope it helps.
Yes, I had already checked with the above option. But wanted to check if we can pass y co-ordinate to the icon
Here is an example code snippet of how you can achieve it
const el = scheduler.rowManager.rows[3].element; // the resource element
icon.y = el.getBoundingClientRect().top;
Hidden with bryntum-widget is not working.
<bryntum-widget hidden="true">
If I show the Icon initially (removing hidden attribute), then it's working correctly.
If I hide the icon initially, I am not able to show it again, though I am setting the hidden attribute to false.
this.icon.hidden = false;
I see it's not working. Opened a ticket to fix it here
For now please use it this way
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
// SchedulerPro and Project instance
this.schedulerPro = this.schedulerProComponent.instance;
this.project = this.schedulerProProjectComponent.instance;
this.icon = this.widgetComponent.instance;
// initially hide from the view
this.icon.hidden = true;
async showArrow() {
const date = new Date();
await this.schedulerPro.scrollToDate(date)
let a = this.schedulerPro.getCoordinateFromDate(date, false);
this.icon.x = a;
// show the icon
this.icon.hidden = false;
Hope this helps now.
Best of luck ,
This works. Thank you.