The create Task on toolbar doesn’t fire the on Add event
so when we use it to create a task it's not created in the database
we can only create it if we pressed on the enter key
you can use this project to test "Test For Create Task2"
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This is the code
async onAddTaskClick() {
{ gantt } = this,
added = gantt.taskStore.rootNode.appendChild({
name : 'New task',
duration : 1,
effort : gantt.project.hoursPerDay,
shcedulingMode : 'Normal',
calendar : 'general',
// run propagation to calculate new task fields
await gantt.project.propagate();
// scroll to the added task
await gantt.scrollRowIntoView(added);
record : added,
field : 'name'
You can find the code in the GanttToolbar.js under the lib folder in the lwc named tasksGantt
i'm already subscribing to add event on the task store
this.gantt.taskStore.on('add', ({ source, records, allRecords, parent, index, oldIndex, isChild, isExpand, isMove }) => {
if(! isExpand) { //if(!isExpand && !isMove) //isMove ||
let allTasks = this.getFlatTasks(records);
for(let record of allTasks){
this.isInserting = true;
let task = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(record));
task.wbs = record.wbsCode; = null;
task.successors = null;
task.generateInvoice = task.generateInvoice == undefined ? false : task.generateInvoice;
task.stopTimeEntry = task.stopTimeEntry == undefined ? false : task.stopTimeEntry;
task.costAdjustment = task.costAdjustment == null?0:task.costAdjustment;
task.revenueAdjustment = task.revenueAdjustment == null ? 0 : task.revenueAdjustment;
task.percentDone = task.percentDone == null ? 0 : task.percentDone;
task.duration = task.duration == null ? 0 : task.duration;
task.effort = task.effort == null ? 0 : task.effort;
task.readOnly = false;
task.baselines = null;
task.predecessors = null;
task.children = null;
this.mpaTasks2Insert.set(, task);
Hi Maxim,
i'm sorry to tell you that the event is not triggered.
i added a console.log on the first line of the code and it's not writing it
Line 411
this.gantt.taskStore.on('add', ({ source, records, allRecords, parent, index, oldIndex, isChild, isExpand, isMove }) => {
console.log('on add');
if(! isExpand) { //if(!isExpand && !isMove) //isMove ||
please check this project
While in this project the on add event is not being triggered
It's kind of a random behavior