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Post by anuabr »

Hi Team,

In our TaskEditor popup we have a custom tab, When we go to that custom tab and click on a column It will create a new Popup lets call it POP,
The problem we are facing is if we click anywhere on the screen outside POP its closing Both POP & the task editor,
Also on clicking on the close button for the POP again it closes both POP & task editor
one observation: when i hit Esc on the POP it only closes POP and the task editor stays as it is.

we want the taskEditor to stay as it is and not close when theres already another popup is in focus

can you suggest what property we can set to achieve that ?

Post by tasnim »


Please try setting the taskEditor's https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/SchedulerPro/widget/TaskEditorBase#config-modal to true

taskEdit : {
	editorConfig : {
		modal : true

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Post by Animal »

It seems like it’s your subsidiary Popup which needs modal : true

Post by mats »

Please configure your own Popup with owner pointing to the task editor popup. Then it'll know to not close itself as it owns your popup.


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