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Post by xjpmauricio »

Hi, it there a way to change a cell (via css, bg color, etc) for a specific resource, and for a specific period of days?

I've been trying to use the "lines and zones plugin" but i can't make it work...any ideias?

I'm using the example in "lines and zones"; here's what i got:
                var a = new Date();
                var dow = a.getDay();
                a = a.add(Date.DAY, 1);
                var b = a.add(Date.DAY, 6);    
                var s = Ext.getCmp('schPnlRosterPlan').plugins[1].store,
                newZone = new s.recordType({
                    StartDate : a,
                    EndDate : b,
                    Cls : 'customZoneStyle'

Post by xjpmauricio »

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