From scss preprocessor to less for attached sample file
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:04 pm
by vishwasreddy101
can I have the less preprocessor instead of scss for the below-attached sample project? It caused lots of issues to integrate into the existing project manually but it didn't help. I tried craco and Webpack config changes didn't work well. My project supports less and it is already in the advanced stage of adding scss causing lots of issues
Re: From scss preprocessor to less for attached sample file
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 10:22 am
by khattakdev
We use scss only for our styling.
I am not sure why Craco isn't working with your project. I have a simple scheduler project, and it works fine for me. I have attached it in case you want to view it.
You can use our CSS version of styling, but this will make it complex to customize our theme and default styling.
Re: From scss preprocessor to less for attached sample file
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 11:14 am
by johan.isaksson
To clarify, using SCSS is optional, our product npm packages also include the build CSS which can be used directly. We do not offer LESS support, but you should be able to use the CSS directly
Regarding the demo-resources package, it only includes SCSS but it is for our demo styling and it is not meant to be used in your application.